
Friday, August 08, 2008

One world, One dream

The day is 08.08.08.. What a great number.. In Chinese the number 8 has always been a lucky and good number, pronounce as "fa = rich" in Chinese.. What a coincidence this year Olympic held in China.. The land of the Chinese..

Even Google are in the mood

I manage to catch the opening ceremony on TV of course but not the middle part, the show was amazing.. There were total of 204 nation present in the Stadium.. The fireworks so beautiful.. Very very beautiful.. I was wondering, are those fireworks Made in China,because so many and they place turn too hazy..

On this day, Blue keep on announcing it's a special day.. Then at night I had dinner with my family and later on meet up with Connie.. I spend my time watching the ceremony until the end at Cheezebox with Mr. Lim.. I thought I have miss the touch being lighted part.. Thank God I am still able to witness the athlete runs to light up the torch..
My favourite part is definitely the touch being light up. I was touched..

The mascot this year.. Translate to English, = Welcome to Bejing..

Well, good luck to all players.. Jenn, Tze, Shirley you guys today left for KK.. Wish I was there joining you guys but nvmermind, I shall be waiting for gifts.. haha.. Anyway.. Happy 08.08.08 everyone.. =D

1 comment:

Cl3m3nCe said...

Yeap!! Yeap!! i was touched too when the athlete torch up the fire omg that was the moment where everyone was waiting for the day it came bravo china keep it up..